/ Experiential / Social / 3D / Print / Digital / Brand Identity

/ Experiential / Social / 3D / Print / Digital / Brand Identity

The secret Weapon for agencies and brands

Award winning expertise + Experience:

Fortune 500 expertise

Over the course of my professional career, I’ve had the privilege to work on over 100 Fortune 500 brands. I possess a unique skill set that allows me to quickly understand a brand's core identity and successfully maintain its authenticity or develop innovative brand aesthetics.

Award-winning agency experience

Having extensive experience working with clients and account managers, as well as overseeing a design team, you can rely on me to deliver projects punctually and within budget. It is worth noting that several of the projects I’ve worked on have been recognized with esteemed industry awards.

Design, direction or both

Created for the ever-changing needs of the client and evolving industry, my adaptable freelance model is
designed to provide you with comprehensive support. Less time wasted on non-billable, training the gap and concentrate on delivering quality work that generates results.

on the roster of the following agencies:

Recent Projects: