Key Vision Academy Post Graduate Mentorship Program

The Key Vision Academy mentorship program, first of its kind in Canada, is meticulously crafted to bridge the divide between recent graduates of post-secondary design programs and agencies seeking designers with practical industry experience.

Its primary aim is to enhance students' portfolio visibility and equip them with invaluable agency experience in a supportive environment. Departing from conventional educational models, Key Vision Academy functions akin to an actual agency, complete with client briefs, Creative Director check-ins, authentic deadlines, and comprehensive 360-degree integrated industry projects that significantly enhance students' portfolio presence.

Moreover, the program provides insights into exclusive industry practices, along with resume and interview strategies aimed at maximizing students' chances of:

✓ Securing multiple interviews
✓ Landing employment
✓ Thriving in their inaugural full-time roles

Program Length: 16 weeks (Full time)
Format: 1 on 1 Virtual
Initial Onboarding (2 hrs)
Lecture/Meetings: Weekly (Mon - 1 hr)
Creative Check-ins: Twice a week (Mon & Thurs - 30 min)

✓ Real 360-degree integrated industry projects

✓ 1 on 1 tailored sessions

✓ portfolio visual presentation tips

✓ resume and cover letter revamp

✓ Practice Interviews

✓ Learn about creative industry interview Etiquette

✓ Insight into commonly used industry terms

✓ Authentic Industry standard check-in & deadline

✓ Gain Experience with studio management model

✓ Insight into industry billing and operations

Interested? Please fill out the form below to inquire about availability.